Applying the Teachings of W. Deen Mohammed Book 1
This book is a compilation of essays written about topics in Al-Islam from the perspective of the language and logic of Imam W. Deen Mohammed. Topics Include: New Africa: Can You See It? - Social Resurrection: Abraham & the Four Birds - Ramadhan and the Path to Enlightenment - Rise of the New Convert to Al-Islam - Chess Master of the Muslim World? - Showered with Wisdom, What Will We Do? Learn about the ideas in Al-Islam from the perspective of a modern, free, independent thinker, Imam W. Deen Mohammed.
Imam Mohammed declared the writings of Dr. Mubaashir Uqdah as required readings for his students. If you an open-minded, curious seeker of knowledge, you will appreciate all of the books in this series.
New Africa - Can You See It?
- We must grasp the vision of New Africa
- Slavery prepared us for the mission
- Put the human back inside the person
- What New Africa builders need to know
Social Resurrection - Abraham and the Four Birds
- What is a bird in scripture?
- Birds, the air, and the breath of life
- Why four birds?
- Abraham learns to resurrect society
- How did Abraham train the four birds?
- What are the four mountains?
- How does Abraham call the birds?
- How do we cause a social resurrection?
Ramadhan and the Path to Enlightenment
- The likeness of Ramadhan
- Ramadhan deconstructs and reconstructs
- Ramadhan is a sharp blade
- What is the Night of Power?
- Immaculate conception and resurrection
- Patterns of the fast
The Rise of the New Convert to Al-Islam
- Convert or Revert?
- Al-Islam is a state of upwards transformation
- The new convert’s path parallels a new birth
- The ummah is the mother
- How does the new convert rise?
- The meaning of milk
- The breasts and the chest
- The role of new converts in their own rise
- The miracle of Moses
Chess Mastery of the Muslim World?
- Pay attention - there is a war going on!
- Checkmate and the King (leadership)
- Democratic, imperialist hypocrisy
- The Queen represents society
- The Pawn has power
- The Castle/Rook is a fortress
- The Rook is a swindler
- Democracy as a weapon of mass destruction
- The Bishop represents spiritual power
- Imam Mohammed knows the mathematics
- The Knights are the fighters
- Imam Mohammed is a grandmaster
- The opening, the middle, and the end game
- Our brilliant opening game moves
- What happened to our middle game moves?
- The middle game is about tactics
- The marriage of the King and the Queen
- Chess tactics and our tactics
- Our end game moves
- The concept of development
- The CRAID movement was a successful tactic
- CPC could have been a powerful tactic
- A cultural war, but we have no tactics
- Get an advantage in the Center
- Get an advantage in Space
- Get an advantage in Time
- Get an advantage in Material
- Do not be captured and put in a box
- The meaning of the chess board
Showered with Wisdom - What will we do?
- Allah rains on all, yet different results
- Focus on what is important
- Collective effort is our tradition
- Focus on being business-minded
- We watched him, while he watched us
National Imams Meeting - Louisville Kentucky
- The inflammatory report
- Am’ruhum Shura Baynahum
- Anyone can conduct shura
- Imam Yahya Abdullah’s testimony
- AMM resignation statements - 1985
- We must be analysts and thinkers
- Why did the Imam resign?
- Story of the child who has grown up
- The intellectual orientation of Abraham
- Why did he build it up and tear it down?
- A theory of our decentralization
- Has our destiny changed?
- ASM resignation comments - 2003
- Individual freedom and community building
- Imam Mohammed on Shura Baynahum
- Keep historical context in mind
- What’s next?
- Let's ask ourselves a few questions
- The meaning of autonomy
- Whatever we do, know why we are doing it
- Whose answer counts?
- Facilitate true dialog amongst the ummah